
An examination of a vehicle, or consideration of a file of papers if a physical examination is no longer possible, is something that should only be undertaken by somebody properly qualified, experienced and able to do the job justice.

It should be comprehensive and specifically tailored to the suit the purpose for which it is commissioned.

It is for those reasons and my track record that the sort of people who turn to me include private, hire & fleet vehicle owners, plant & agricultural machinery operators, the consumer press, insurers, lawyers, Trading Standards Officers, claims investigators, the Police and the Courts all who require good, strong independent Expert Witness evidence.

My work has to comply with the Civil Procedure Rules Part 35 for Experts and Assessors which binds me to fulfil the duty I owe to the Courts as Independent Expert in everything I do on matters which areĀ 

within my experience and overrides any obligation to the person from whom I received instructions or by whom I am paid.

Therefore, irrespective of whether instructed by Claimant or Defendant, Prosecuting or Defending, my report and conclusions will remain the same.

In order to assist Clients in respect of proportionality in a claim, I cannot always say what my instructors may hope I will be able to conclude hence I usually undertake a preliminary review of the evidence because if I find a report by me will not help the cause, I will say so from the outset to avoid the unnecessary cost of a lengthy, detailed report.

I hope my website provides you with the sort of help & guidance you need to determine your requirement, a solution to any predicament in which you may have found yourself and somebody, if not me, to help.